The Founding of Un[Box]ed Karaoke
Our founder Daniel Whitman was a radio announcer for seventeen and a half years before starting his own Mobile DJ company and hosting karaoke, also lives with Cerebral Palsy. He knows what it is like to be teased, judged and shunned, something he did not choose, nor can he change.
Knowing he was not alone he found the city’s one and only gay friendly establishment which happened to be a bar on karaoke night. The atmosphere was welcoming, the singers had such camaraderie applauding and praising each other no matter the singer’s ability. For the first real time Daniel felt like he could be himself and do something everybody could do without being teased or judged, sing karaoke. Daniel wants everyone to know that feeling.
Karaoke is for everyone.
- Use your voice!
- Express yourself through sound, song, music and movement!
- Step into vulnerability, connection, empathy and bravery!
- Face fear, the inner-critic, judgement, anxiety, worry and thinking errors, self-defeating beliefs and breakthrough!
- Express, experience through song choices!
- Show support and compassion to self and others in the karaoke group setting!
- Allow emotion to flow!
- Have FUN, let go, let loose, be free, show authenticity and channel your inner-child through real life experiential joy!
- Have a SAFE place to be who you truly are!
- Build community with like-minded folks of all walks of life who also value mental health!